
Viking Marching Band
The Viking Marching Band is one of the largest organizations on the Parkview HS Campus.
Our 2021-2022 show theme is entitled "ROY G BIV" and features music that represents all of the colors of the rainbow. Songs used include The Rainbow Connection, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Mars for Red/Orange, The Rowan Tree for Yellow/Green, and Rhapsody in Blue for Blue/Indigo/Violet.
This is going to be another GREAT marching season! Check out the 2021-2022 calendar for all of our upcoming events.

Viking Symphonic Ensembles
Our band program transitions in the late Fall and Spring Semesters to the Parkview Symphonic Winds & Percussion. These groups perform classic concert band literature, marches, and the latest in trend setting works for band. Members of these groups perform two to three concerts a year as well as compete in a Large Ensemble Contest.
District & State Solo & Small Ensemble Contests:
Members of the Symphonic Winds & Percussion are encouraged to participate in Solo & Small Ensemble competition in the Spring Semester. Students who choose to participate in these activities have the best chance of growth and individual musical development.
District & State Honor Bands:
Members of the Symphonic Winds & Percussion are encouraged to audition for the District Honor Bands. Those students who make the District Honor Band or 1st/2nd Chair in the District Concert Band are eligible to audition to be a member of the State Band. See Mr. Tipton for audition materials and more details.

Viking Jazz Ensemble
This highly select performing group is made up of student musicians who wish to widen their musical competencies to include experiences in the jazz and pop music idioms.
Students also study the art of improvisation, basic music theory and ear training.
The Jazz Ensemble performs numerous concerts throughout the year, as well as select contests, and other performance venues such as banquets, dances, etc. Selection in to the Jazz Band is by audition only and is limited to students currently enrolled in one of the other band courses.
Calendar of Events

Contact Us
516 W. Meadowmere Avenue
Springfield, MO 65807
Tel: 417-523-9281
Curtis Tipton
Director of Bands
Corey Lile
Associate Director of Bands